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Peter Lang etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

27 Temmuz 2020 Pazartesi

Chapter-Kitap Bölümü-Peter Lang 2020: C.7. Kocalar, A.C. (2020). Aydemir, K. P. (2020). An Analysis of the Interaction between Climate and City, Theory and Practice in Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design, (Ed. Murat Özyavuz), Peter Lang, New York. (UAK-Ekim-2019 Sonrası), Kitap Bölümü, Book Parts

Kitap Bölümü

Atıf için teşekkürler.

C.7. Kocalar, A. C. (2020).  Aydemir, K. P. (2020). An Analysis of the Interaction between Climate and City, Theory and Practice in Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design, (Ed. Murat Özyavuz), Peter Lang GmbH, New York. s.127-145. 
ISBN 978363181792-6

(UAK-Ekim-2019 Sonrası)

2020, Kitap Bölümü, Book Parts, Chapters

An Analysis of the Interaction between Climate and City

Aziz Cumhur Kocalar and Pınar Kırkık Aydemir


Most of the human activities today take place in cities. The unplanned urban- ization since the onset of industrialization  has been creating many serious cumulative problems especially in cities and in different environmental dimensions. Therefore, urban- ization has long been, and still is, a determinant factor in global warming and climate change. Today, urbanization and climate change contain interactive dynamics that involve complex interrelated aspects, therefore requiring the analysis of chaotic processes. The pre- sent study deals with and re-analyzes the visible concrete consequences of these dynamics to first achieve a synthesis that would also make the solutions politically effective. The theoretical background of the present study consists of a number of policies that seek to raise awareness of the climate change in the historical past. It is the indirect objective of the present study that these policies go beyond raising awareness and become far more effec- tive on the whole. In order to ensure that this objective is achieved without further delay, disaster examples caused by climate change had to be included as a field study as well. To open the current findings for a discussion and increase the measures against climate change in unplanned settlements, policies need to be continuously  reviewed and restructured. New and striking planet-size relational findings are increasing, which will require further deepening the analytics on the consequences of climate change and in fact on the detailed modeling that will be attempted in subsequent studies over time. Future research also has to strive to make urban and environmental policies much more effective in order to dis- cuss such findings for complex dynamics and to improve measures against climate change.

Keywords: Protection of nature, ecological urbanism, climate change, urbanization, urban planning, urban design

Kocalar, A.C. (2020).  Aydemir, Kıymet Pınar. (2020). An Analysis of the Interaction between Climate and City, Theory and Practice in Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design, (Ed. Murat Özyavuz), Peter Lang GmbH, New York. s.127-145. 
(UAK-Ekim-2019 Sonrası)

İngilizce metin


Book part,Peter Lang,Abstract,Kitap Bölümü,UAK-Ekim-2019 Sonrası,2020,Chapter,İngilizce metin,

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