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Kurul, Ödül, Onursal Katılım, Teşekkür

Çalışmalar YÖKSİS ve NOHU ile paralel olarak Mayıs ve Aralık dönemlerinde bu blog üstünden güncellenmektedir.



II. Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Araştırmaları Kongresi (ART&DESIGN-2022) 
20-21 Haziran 2022

I. Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Araştırmaları Kongresi (ART&DESIGN-2022) 

2019, Sempozyum Onursal Başkanı

Öğretim Üyesi Aziz Cumhur KOCALAR
Yayın tarihi
Sempozyum Onursal Başkanı
Recreation and sport planning is an important interdisciplinary activity that can shape the development of cities. Nowadays, the increase in urbanization problems necessitates the planning and use of recreational areas which may be an alternative to boring, noisy and increasingly unhealthy urban life. Today, sports branches are increasing in terms of both qualitative and quantitative aspects. It is evident that some of the spores that have become interesting for young people gain importance for the development of physical structure (muscle, bone). The increasing interest of extreme sports, especially in our country with suitable nature for these sports, should be given importance to the rare natural areas of the foreground. Cities should be planned together with activities that will raise awareness in advance for sports areas aimed at supporting healthy living in line with such recreational and sporting needs. In addition, it is of great importance that these natural parts, which are suitable for private and extreme sports on the walls of the city, become a special attraction area and will provide development opportunities with tourism income to that city.
Google Akademik makaleleri
ÖÜAC KOCALAR - Sempozyum Onursal Başkanı, 2019


2005, İTÜ, Proje Başarısı, Rektörlük

Ödül, Onursal Katılım, Teşekkür

1988, Birincilik, Dz. Yedek Subay Adayı, Karamürsel, İzmit. (1989-1990  Astğmn, Dz.Astsb.Hz.Ok.K.)

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